Empowering the Energy Industry with Energy Toolbase: Celebrating 10 Years!

In the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, where innovation and sustainability are paramount, tools that facilitate seamless integration and analysis are invaluable. For ten years, Energy Toolbase has empowered the renewable energy sector and driven changes in the software space, and we are now celebrating our 10 th anniversary! In …

The Importance of Software Selection to Energy Storage Systems

It’s no secret that software selection and reliability are critical to the return on investment (ROI) for energy storage projects. An energy storage system’s (ESS) performance depends on the quality of the system’s modeling, forecasting, and control capabilities, meaning that your software’s specifications can determine the success (or lack thereof) of your projects.

Sharp Integrates With Energy Toolbase Software To Streamline The Proposal Creation Process For SmartStorage Energy Storage Installations

Sharp Electronics Corporation’s Energy Systems and Services Group (Sharp) announces today the integration of Energy Toolbase as its software platform of choice for accurately calculating peak demand savings for SmartStorage® energy storage system installations. Sharp is the first to integrate its proprietary SmartStorage® operating algorithms with Energy Toolbase’s powerful optimization tools to quickly generate SmartStorage® specific proposals. Users can accurately determine the dollar savings of SmartStorage® projects that are integrated with a solar system, or as a standalone system.