We Updated Our Green Button Data – Download Instructions

We just updated the instructions on downloading your Green Button Data from all three of California’s investor-owned utilities; Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E).

Simplifying the process of retrieving usage data

Retrieving and obtaining data from a utility can be difficult and time-consuming, but completely necessary in accurately modeling solar + storage projects. It varies from utility to utility, and when you’re a developer, working on several projects, retrieving data for each project can take days, even weeks. If you’re going …

Are You Using Green Button Data Yet?

I was a panelist on a workshop at the Intersolar conference last month on the topic of ‘software tools and techniques to stay competitive in the solar industry’. The audience was mostly made up of residential solar contractors. Before the panel got underway the moderator polled the audience to see how many of them used Green Button Data when analyzing and proposing their projects? Only a few hands in the room went up.