Deploy Energy Storage with Energy Toolbase & Socomec

Energy Toolbase and Socomec have partnered to provide energy storage solutions to developers looking for an industry-leading battery and storage controls option. Run savings and dispatch analysis of Socomec ESS paired with ETB Controller and deploy projects with confidence.

Why Choose Socomec + ETB for Your Storage Projects?

All-In-One Storage Solution

This partnership allows developers to run dispatch simulations and savings analysis of how their projects using Socomec hardware + ETB Controller will operate in the field from one platform. Once you're ready, you can also purchase from the ETB team.

Accuracy & Confidence

Our engineering and product teams have worked together to ensure the precision of the dispatch simulations and analysis for users. We're confident in the accuracy of our simulations.

Single PO Process

Developers who purchase the energy storage system from ETB will have a single purchase order process with the Energy Toolbase team for the entire storage system.

How It Works

Apply for the Integration as an ETB Developer User

Click on the Socomec logo in the energy storage module in ETB Developer

Select Socomec Hardware in the Dropdown Menu

Select hardware paired with ETB Controller in the dropdown menu

Run Simulation and Analysis of Your Projects

Analyze the economics and savings of your projects and their performance in the field

Integration Users Resources

Socomec HES L

SUNSYS HES L Specifications Sheet

Socomec HES XXL

SUNSYS HES XXL Specifications Sheet

Socomec + ETB Controller

Socomec + ETB Controller Hardware & Software Guide

ETB Controller

Features & Functionality

Get Started.

Tell us about your project or engagement so we can set you up for a time-efficient scoping call with our team of energy storage experts.