Energy Toolbase April 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter
Spring is in the air, and many electric utilities are changing with the seasons. April marks the start of the second quarter of the year, which means many utilities will likely update their electric rates. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll highlight significant rate changes implemented by major utilities in Colorado and California.
Energy Toolbase March 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter
March was an impactful month for California investor-owned utilities (IOUs) and other utilities across the country.
Energy Toolbase February 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter
IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS: States such as Missouri, Illinois, and Pennsylvania underwent rate increases this February. Ameren – Missouri & Illinois, Commonwealth Edison, and PECO (formerly the Philadelphia Electric Company) – four of our most regularly used and requested utilities in these states – all implemented significant updates, which we have outlined.
Energy Toolbase January 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter
IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS California IOUs Increase Charges to California’s three main investor-owned utilities (IOUs), Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Our team has worked diligently this month to update the rates under these utilities…
Energy Toolbase December 2021 Utility Rates Newsletter
IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS Pacific Gas & Electric December ’21 Update Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has updated its electric rates as of December 1, 2021, to incorporate the new Wildfire Hardening Fixed Recovery Charge (WHFRC) and make additional adjustments to residential rates. The WHFRC authorizes PG&E to recover …
Energy Toolbase November 2021 Utility Rates Newsletter
Check out our November 2021 Utility Rates Newsletter put together by our in-house rates team. New rate updates for SDG&E, billing increases, new utilities in ETB, plus more…
WEBINAR: How Advantageous is PG&E’s Option S, daily demand charge rate tariff, for Energy Storage Projects?
In March of 2021, PG&E finished mandatory transitioning all C&I customers to their new “B” rates, which featured the 4 – 9 pm “on-peak” period. Within this new suite of rates was the new Option S, daily demand charge rate, which was designed to be a storage-friendly rate option.
PG&E’s Storage-friendly “Option S” Daily Demand Charge Rate – How Advantageous is it for Solar + Storage Projects?
We studied PG&E’s new Option S rate to determine how utility bill savings for solar + storage projects compared to both the Option R rate and the default option. In 80% of the cases we ran, eligible C&I PV+ESS customers are best off opting onto Option S.
PG&E’s Option S (for Storage) Daily Demand Charge Rate – Here’s what you should know
PG&E was the first utility in the state of California to release an energy storage-friendly rate tariff option that featured daily demand charges, which bill based on $/kilowatt/day.