Based on the survey, understanding utility rates is a top priority for the solar industry. The majority of respondents (60 percent) said Excel spreadsheets are how they keep track of utility rates....

In any other industry, nine years of service would designate a greenhorn, but in solar it is the term of a veteran in the industry. My exposure to the world of solar began when shifting from tradit...

Key energy and technology industry players convened at the Cove at UC Irvine to discuss changes and the future of electricity rates for Californians. Renewable energy, efforts to alleviate peak gri...

We hear it all the time: “My electric bill is so high, I just want to stick it to [insert name of utility here]! Can solar help?” Now we are in the business of selling and installing solar, so our...

After a lot of hype and false starts in the residential energy storage market, things are starting to get real. Recent data definitively shows that storage installation volumes are ramping up in th...

K2 Clean Energy Capital LLC, a developer of Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing, has closed PACE and prepaid power purchase agreement (PPA) financing for a 450 kW, $1.4 mil...

Today's guest, Adam Gerza, is the COO of the fast-growing SAAS company, Energy Toolbase, which I know many of my listeners use. Today I get the chance to look under the hood and hear why over 1500 ...

Solar is now the No. 1 new source of capacity being added to the grid, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and solar installer is the fastest growing job in the country accordi...

Energy storage has been called a swiss army knife because of it's highly versatile, adaptable and can provide many different benefits to the grid. This flexibility can be financially rewarding. For...

It seems as though the internet of things (IoT) movement is everywhere. Itt's in your fridge, texting your smartphone when you're out of milk. It's in your suitcase, allowing you to track its locat...

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